Products PetroAttendance

  • Attendance System


Attendance system is used effectively for company attendance rules with a precise on-duty and off-duty to produce comprehensive attendance analysis of any staff at a given time.

Project Details

  • Live demo: On Request
  • Target Industry: All
  • Supported Platforms: Web, Mobile, Tablet


The Petroncis Attendance System gave you powerfull admin backend with different features like settimings for attendance, setlunch attedance timings, user management, submit leave applications and etc.
Attendance System have great time managmenet support with timezone so you can easily set timings for your attendance.
The Petronics Attendance system Integrate easily with one click setup and installation.
Attendance System automatically indentifiy that the punch in is late or ontime on timing basis.
The Petronics Attendance system provide feature like Lunch attendance so you can track your employe lunch timings.

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