Products PetroMSync (Mobile Sync)

  • Mobile Based File/Data Sync System

PetroMSync (Mobile Sync)

PetroMSync is best for downloading large and small size of data and files from your server.Mobile Based File/Data Sync System support web admin backend with features like locking and unlocking devices, user management, assign different folders to different users and etc.

Project Details

  • Live demo: On Request
  • Target Industry: All
  • Supported Platforms: Mobile, Tablet


By Using Web Based Admin Backend you can take hold on all the activities, file syncing and handling sync requests.
Our Mobile Based File/Data Sync System handle device request in effecient way.
Our Mobile Based File/Data Sync System can easily integration as per your needs.
Using Mobile Based File/Data Sync System Web Admin Backend you can active or block any device which you don't want to allow sync.
Our Mobile Based File/Data Sync System maintain device uniqness so you can easily indentify devices easily.

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