Products PetroEMR (Hospital System)

PetroEMR (Hospital System)

Your Hospital our Hospital Management System which we called (EMR) Electronic Medical Records make the hospital industry better for the world. It include Scheduling & Appointment, Doctors Management, Pharmacy Stock IN/OUT, Beds Status, Patients Profile, Patients Outcome, Radiology, Laboratory and etc. It is secure, intuitive and reliable management system to cover all your need, get your quote today.

Project Details

  • Live demo: On Request
  • Target Industry: Hospital
  • Supported Platforms: Web, Mobile, Tablet


One of the main factor to develop EMR is to maintain medical health records electronically which reduce of medical errors represents a benefit to both patient and doctor. Also personal security aspect is also important to meeting a patient's privacy concerns.
Track and identify patients data on figure tips. It allow to see Patients history, book an appointment and monitor how patient measure up to certain parameters, such as vaccination and blood pressure readings.
This system gives power to the management either they control their sub offices or main office as online or offline mode. It work on both environment with multiple of different options to handle your day to day changed requirement.
It allow to save all your backup of data either online on cloud or some where on any disk space. It has multiple scheduling option to make your backup of data.
The Petronics Hospital Management System is really fast and easy to integration.

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